This piece by Alfred Cardone talks about the way Americans receive media and how the Presidential Election had been covered. Cardone explains just how the election and outcome had affected the American populaces. With the Internet - there are different ways that people can view media such as blogs or on YouTube. Both of these and many more other media platforms allow people to speak their minds about concerns they have. The concerns that the people have with their President allow them to find sources and forms which allow them to come together for support. However, those who are for President Trump are also able to find comfort in media outlets that allow them to feel safe from the hostility of their views from the opposing party.
Cardone talks about the context in which different media platforms are being perceived fully as he also speaks about the way Alternative media is challenging the more traditional outlets that are controlled by corporate sources. In today's society, Americans are gathering more information from sources that self-funded or from memberships. This could be due to the effect that technology plays in society and what it can offer. Cardone talks about Chomsky and Hermann's: Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media Which talks about the way different corporates have power which helps form public opinion. Cardone states in this article that it can be seen in a way that makes their argument seem out of date as since then, the corporate has no longer got full control over the flow of information that is being released. The 2016 election has shown that diversity may not always follow through with accuracy but as Americans are picking which media outlets they want to rely on many are wondering if they're being indulged in something for 'greater viewing and funding'
Cardone follows on to talk about the Election and how the different parties responded to the way the news was being covered.
Trump's statement was "The press has become so dishonest that if we don’t talk about it, we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American People" However, instead of questioning 'the press' his administration seemed to be doing the same thing from a different point of view.
Trump also goes on to state that 'the leaks are real' but 'the news is fake' set a guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances, it makes it hard for Americans to understand what really is 'fake news' around them. The idea of it being fake news can be used as a way to see just how much corporates have lost the flow of information that is being released, even in regards to Trump's 'Leaks are real' which was targeted towards Hilary Clinton proved that media outlets can prove to be destructive.
With the election, we saw disinformation spread in regards to the protests at the Democratic Nevada Convention with many of Hillary Clinton's surrogates stating that many of Bernie supporters had turned violent. This was indeed false news and this was used in an attempt to sabotage Bernie Sanders campaign.
I believe that this was important as well as interesting due to the approach Cardone had on this angle. The idea of 'Fake News' put into perspective if media platforms are giving out facts and true information instead of false statements which can be seen through the different candidate parties.
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